Monthly Archives: May 2017

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    Ozone and UV Sanitizers: What You Need to Know

    Posted on May 3, 2017 by in Blog

    The rising interest in ozone and UV sanitizers has been a hot topic among swimming pool professionals. The technology has been around a long time but is finally reaching the point of affordability for homeowners to use on high-end residential pools. If you’re thinking of putting a pool in your backyard or would like to upgrade your equipment to something state-of-the-art, you may want to consider using one or both of these systems. Before you do, however, you need to know a few things. Next-Level Disinfection Ozone and UV sanitizer systems kill bacteria in your pool. More importantly, they eliminate bacteria that chlorine can’t. While most of the bacteria, viruses and protozoa that ends up in your pool will be killed by chlorine, there are some that are highly resistant. That’s where ozone and UV sanitizers come in. Ozone systems turn regular oxygen molecules (O2) into ozone (O3). Ozone is incredibly reactive and will strike down most bacteria in its quest to turn back to O2. The ozone is produced in what’s called a sidestream. A sidestream means that some of the water – between 15% and 25% – is directed away from the main flow. This happens after the […]

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